Perfect is the Enemy of Good

I’ve had the benefit of hosting meetings for several years. For the longest time, I called them strategy sessions because they were mostly about advice for the future, but I ultimately settled on calling them masterminds (as many people do) because too much strategy can oftentimes be a bad thing. I worry that many of the people I work with get stuck in analysis paralysis and rather than moving forward with an imperfect strategy, they continue to wait until it looks perfect. But, perfect is an illusion. 

I often tell people that getting started is more than half the battle. I also borrow a sentiment that I’ve learned along the way that if you’re not embarrassed by your first version, you launched too late. I’ve found that an agile process in business design can benefit all involved: launch a minimum viable product (M.V.P.) as soon as possible, sell it to an audience willing to buy and let that audience help you fine-tune the process and the offering until it’s a smoothly operating machine. It isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Action and accountability are at the core of good business design. Our masterminds are set up to provide quality advice, inspire action and hold our members accountable in doing what they say they will do. The Saint Louis Business Club hosts three masterminds per week in the areas of Content Production, Professional Services and Wellness. 

Our members also host a variety of masterminds outside of the business club. Dr. Tom Hill hosts his clients known as the Hill’s Angels for a monthly mastermind. Becky Schoenig hosts a program on intuitive design. Barry Gleeson and I host meetings for Emerging Entrepreneurs for The Alternative Board or T.A.B. 

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky


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